Friday, February 16, 2007

11) Achievement: Game Guides

I went back to Maple Story for 3 hours while doing all the CNY spring cleaning. Finally levelled up from 21 to 22.

It was then I began to ask around, "how do I get my second job advance?"

I wasted a bit of time asking around but (should have done it earlier) finally consulted one of the "Game Guides" in the MAPLESEA forums. Here we come to one of the most amazing signs of Youth DEDICATION to gaming.
Youths who have spent hundreds of hours playing the games themselves, playing and replaying the same scenes to refine their approach so that they become ruthlessly efficient, playing the game to PERFECTION.
After attaining the ultimate, they come back to SHARE THEIR EXPERTISE - via game guides!
Check out this website, this is simply amazing, how much effort people put into acquiring knowledge about a game that is created by humans.
  • It's not like guides developed to help mankind tackle real life issues like overcoming physical obstacles (like mountain climbing)
  • It's guides developed on how to scale that virtual mountain in the virtual creation of the game developer.

The process of gaining and documenting knowledge is useful and executed to perfection. But the actual value of that knowledge has virtually no INTRINSIC value.

Perfected Means but Confused Ends?

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