Sunday, March 04, 2007

14) Virtual Trading in MapleStory

Look at the screenshot - a busy "markeplace" with more than 20 characters at any one time, trading and buying virtual items. I (LHS corner) got involved with this when I was got tired of slashing monsters to get the CNY items. I chose instead to trade for them.
Bargaining, cheating, scamming - all practices in the real world happens in MMORPGs too. I had kids (presumably) trying to sell me items at ridiculous items, and also encountered abusive ones when I tried to bargain.
In Maple Story, the power and freedom available to adults are made accessible to kids. There is definitely learning value in games, they become savvy in buying and selling, learn some limited negotiation skills, and get to decide which is the fastest way to attain their goals.
Of course these may not all be transferable to the real world. So don't be too quick to use this as an excuse to play games.

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