Tuesday, March 13, 2007

18) Special Offers and Promotions

I got from level 31 to 33 in about 4 hours! That's pretty fast and efficient - thanks to the special offer by the game administrators.
Every minute I spend in MS from 1930hrs to 2030hrs in March is twice as efficient. I took leave these past 2 days and was able to arrange my time to take advantage of that offer.

Just when I thought that I really would have no more motivation to continue levelling up, this came along to prolong my involvement.
Will it last? I don't think it will work for me over the long haul. There is too much to do to continue in this world.
But in the meantime, I was just happy with my level 33 character. :p

In case I prove myself wrong, here are the residual motivations:
  1. Go to Ossyria and see what it is all about
  2. Cash in on that last chance to get those 20k exp CNY quests.
  3. Just 1 more level (what's new?)

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