Saturday, January 06, 2007

8) Quests - New Way to Level Up

Having been slogging to level up for almost 4 hours, I decided to pause and take a break to explore other areas. I heard from some youths about this thing called "QUEST" - similar to running errands and getting rewarded for it. Rewards can come in terms of experience points (EXP) which helps in levelling up, or mesos ($$) or even rare items.

My first try and guess what I got? 20,000 EXP!!!!! I was shocked and stunned! That practically helped me level up one and a half times! This was a special quest set up only during this Chinese New Year season. And this high rewarding quest can be repeated at intervals of 12 hours. Gosh! Suddenly I was demotivated to go around slashing monsters to level up - time wasting! I just wanted to slash monsters, get those items required for the quest and at every 12 hour interval, I can get those much needed EXP to level up!

I did three seperate quests within 1 hour and levelled up from 21 to 23!

  1. Instant gratification. In real life, we always like to take the easy way out. And now in the virtual world, we stop doing the "hard work" of slashing around, but just do quests to level up! So much about efficiency!
  2. Just when the motivation to continue the game dies down, this revelation spurs me on to keep gaming once again and maximise full usage of the CNY quest to level up!

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