Thursday, December 14, 2006

2) Initial Levelling Up Thrill

I logged on for 12 hours!

No no, before you get worried that the cyber wellness champion is getting hooked on MS, fret now. I was only on it for about 5 hours and it was on the day when I was on leave. I managed to take care of the kids, send them to school, take care of their meals and all of that.

But what was not so good was that I finally quit at 5am in the morning!!!!

Yes the thrill of MS is real, even for an adult. It was just fortunate that I already have most of my life settled in order, and I simply could not afford to let the game take over my life. Not so for most kids though!

I got from level 1 to 5 in just half and hour. It's bascially driven by the feeling of getting competent at something. It was not hard, and that was exactly the point, I felt I was becoming competent and that kept me going for half an hour.

Beyond the half hour, what kept me going were the quests. I started to find out more about the game. Plenty of them in the game and it als interested me to explore Maple Island, how to get around and how to find places. Getting acquainted with the neighbourhood, I would call it.

From then, it thrilled me to head towards getting out of Maple Island. Because it wwas to be on Victoria Island that I will finally find my first job at level 10. That would be so cool, because I will get to acquire powerfukl specialist skills!. I worked hard to prepare myself for the treacherous world beyond the safe confines of Maple Island. Finally at level 8, I was ready to strike out.

I paid some money (MS "mesos") to baord a ship to roam the new world out there. Never again will I return to Maple Island again....

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