Thursday, December 14, 2006

2) Just a Stroll Around The Park

Saturday morning 7:00AM. Rise and shine! Just when everyone should either be sleeping or doing some morning exercise, here I was, ready to strike out in Maple Island! Time to explore the land filled with snails and mushrooms!

Buttons "C", "Z" and "Spacebar". These the three basic keys that are required. All I had to do was to just keep slashing / avoid / pick up WHATEVER that came my way! SLASH or AVOID the monster.. PICK UP the items and mesos along the way.

Within 20 minutes, I had gotten from Level 1 to 5. Piece of cake. Just keep slashing.

Another 1 hour, I have reached Level 7. Still slashing away. Things are getting boring. But the motivation to reach Level 10 keeps me going. Because that's when I will get my first job advancement..... means one step closer to becoming like Legolas!

Enouugh of the friendly, boring neighbourhood. I had enough. It was time to step out and explore the "real" world.. so off I went to Victoria Island where the real fun began!

Parallel to reality: HDB estates and old fashion kopi-tiams? Time to move on Condominiums, Orchard Road and High Class Dining restaurants!

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