Friday, December 15, 2006

4) Becoming a Stronger Warrior

Look at me! Cool helmet. Nice armour and pants. A wooden shield and a double axe!

A cool level 14 character.

Off I went to take a second round around Victoria Island.

I learnt how to use my warrior skills - throwing snail shells at people and also to do power slashes. This was fun, I felt I've improved in the game and have become more powerful.

My teenage friend who frequents the cyber wellness centre gave me a few tips about the game. I learnt how to:

  1. Form a party with other gamers to share experience points from our kills.
  2. Assign skill and ability points to the categories that make my levelling up more efficient.
  3. Buy the correct weapons and equipment in a way that makes use of my mesos the best.

With that, I began to "farm" - another term for repeatedly slashing at a "lucrative" spot in Victoria Island. I found this place in the tree trunk which had an endless stream of green slimy blobs converging on me. Look at the picture! All those easy prey around me!

With almost half an hour of hacking and slashing, I went from level 14 to level 15! Yeah!

The desire in this phase of the game was to become powerful in a more efficient form - by farming some spots in Victoria Island. I felt that I had found an "secret" and just could not pass up the opportunity to milk it fully. It was non-stop slashing for half an hour!

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